Comisión de la verdad y reconciliación
La CVR ha concluido que la cifra más probable de víctimas fatales de esas dos décadas supera los 69 mil peruanos y peruanas muertos o desaparecidos a manos de las organizaciones subversivas o por obra de los agentes del Estado- … un doble escándalo: el del asesinato, la desaparición y la tortura masivos y el de la indolencia, la ineptitud y la indiferencia de quienes pudieron impedir esta catástrofe humana y no lo hicieron.

Nuestra Hemeroteca está en construcción. Para crecer más necesitamos que nos envíes artículos relacionados con el genocidio ayacuchano publicado en revistas o periódicos.

Formulario de Envío


Existen varios libros relacionados con los medios de comunicación durante el genocidio en Ayacucho, búsquelos en Biblioteca, Tema: periodismo.
Detalle del Libro
Gender and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Departamento de Estudios Políticos, University of the Witwatersrand. Sudáfrica
south africa, english, ingles, sexual abuses, violations
This submission is intended only as a starting point to aid the Commission in understanding how
gender forms part of the truth and reconciliation process. We have explored some of the issues
that need to be looked at further and we certainly do not believe that this is the final word on any
aspect covered in the submission. We have drawn upon comparative literature in an endeavour
to provide a framework within which to understand how gender has affected women's
experience during the three decades that form the review period of the Truth and Reconciliation
Commission. We have drawn upon the work of people who have written about their own or
other people's experiences of human rights abuses. We have also interviewed a number of
women whose experience we believed would be useful in helping us to draw out possible trends
during the three decades which are the concern of the TRC. This framework will need to be
further developed and refined as more evidence of this gendered experience becomes available
in the course of the Commission's hearings.

 This article has been translated: Género y la Comisión de la Verdad y Reconciliación
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