Comisión de la verdad y reconciliación
La CVR ha concluido que la cifra más probable de víctimas fatales de esas dos décadas supera los 69 mil peruanos y peruanas muertos o desaparecidos a manos de las organizaciones subversivas o por obra de los agentes del Estado- … un doble escándalo: el del asesinato, la desaparición y la tortura masivos y el de la indolencia, la ineptitud y la indiferencia de quienes pudieron impedir esta catástrofe humana y no lo hicieron.

Nuestra Hemeroteca está en construcción. Para crecer más necesitamos que nos envíes artículos relacionados con el genocidio ayacuchano publicado en revistas o periódicos.

Formulario de Envío


Existen varios libros relacionados con los medios de comunicación durante el genocidio en Ayacucho, búsquelos en Biblioteca, Tema: periodismo.
Detalle del Libro
Subcommittee Investigation of Persons and Institutions Involved in Voluntary Surgical Contraception
Final Report Concerning Voluntary Surgical Contraception During the Years 1990--2000
Population Reseach Institute
english, esterilizaciones forzadas, esterilizaciones, fujimori, testimonios, genocidio. ingles
1. It is proven that the Ministry of Health carried out the National Program of Family Planning and that 314,605 women and 24,563 men were sterilized from 1990 to 1999.
2. It has been proven the existence of numerical quotas, incentives for fulfilling the quotas at the national level for voluntary surgical contraception.
3. It is proven that festivals and campaigns were carried out for the same purpose of promoting VSC against the right of patients to choose freely and voluntarily, and that patients were not informed about other methods of family planning.
4. It is proven that tubal ligations have been performed without the consent of the patients, and using coercion, psychological violence or pressure, often accompanied by incentives of food or money.
5. Contrary to law, it is proven that registries of informed consent forms were not maintained in many places, and at other times there are indications that such registries were destroyed by health workers.
6. It is proven that health workers were given written and oral instructions to give more importance to VSC rather than to other methods of family planning.
7. It is proven that there were meetings with the presence of President Alberto Fujimori, State Ministers, and Regional Health Directors that had the purpose of giving preference to these specific methods.
8. It has been proven that there was direct action of the President in the forced applications of VSC’s: there were telephone calls to Regional Health Directors by Dr. Yong Motta, in his capacity as Adviser to the President in health matters and by the Adviser of the Department of the Vice-president, Dr. Ulises Jorge Aguliar, who pressured others to fulfill the required quotas.
9. It has been proven that the Peruvian Government during the tenure of Alberto Fujimori did not observe the obligatory norms included in the International Treaties of which the Peruvian State is a part. Therefore there exists reasonable indications that there have been violations of human rights.
10. It is proven that the launching of the Program of Family Planning resulted in massive, compulsory and violent violations of fundamental human rights, the same imposed and financed by international organizations.
11. It is proven that in the execution of the National Family Planning Program that harm to the physical and psychological integrity, and violations of personal liberty, occurred, producing selective reductions of births in specified social groups.
12. It has been proven that before the modification to the National Law of Population, the Peruvian Government gave facilities to international organizations for the training of health professionals on how to perform the sterilizations.
13. The Subcommission concludes that indications exist which tend to prove the commission of crimes against individual liberty, crimes against life, body and health, and the crime of illicit association for the purpose of Genocide.
Therefore, we make a Constitutional Indictment against Alberto Fujimori, Mario Acosta Bauer, Alejandro Aguinaga Recuenco for the alleged commission of crimes against Life, Body and Health, of illicit association to commit crimes, and genocide against the persons identified during this investigation and of the State, for the effects according article 88, paragraph G.

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