McCormick, Gordon H.
From the Sierra to the Cities. The Urban Campaign of the Shinning Path.
RAND. National Defense Research Institute
This report describes the Shining Path´s urban campaing against thegovernment of Peru. The study founded on a database assessment of war, theauthor´s travels in Peru, and interviews with member of the Peruvian securityestabñlisment now engaged against the Shining Path. It carried as part of alarg...
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McCormick, Gordon H.
De la sierra a las ciudades: la campaña urbana de Sendero Luminoso
RAND. National Defense Research Institute
Título original: From the Sierra to the Cities. The Urban Campaign of theShinning Path. Traducido al castellano por Ricardo AlvaradoPortalino. Este informe describe la campaña urbana de Sendero Luminoso contrael gobierno del Perú. El estudio está basado en una evaluación de la guerrabasada en dat...
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